Saturday, December 31, 2011

Investment Summary 2011

What a poor year, my portfolio is down from 11% to -11%.
Mostly because of HSBC, MFC, both of them took 73% of my portfolio and they're all went south. In addition to some short fried CAT, MCD, I know I'm not a stir fry player. Let me focus back to just long term investment.
In 2011, I added Vitasoy and KO in my long term portfolio, so far they make me feel safe in such economy.

Look for the seeing what's going to happen in 2012.
If this will be the end of the world in 2012, this portfolio doesn't really make any interest factor.


成了基督徒, 朋友便介紹我看這書, 是可憐我單身了很久嗎?
但這本書看完感覺很好, 比較清楚知道了基督徒是應該用甚麼心態去談戀愛. 本書內容主要討論從告白至結婚時期要注意和面對的問題.
感謝神送我一本好書, 亦要感謝友人介紹, 是本很有用的書.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


It's a wonderful day.