Sunday, November 26, 2006

4k isn't that bad...even I don't feel confortable with my stomach today...

努力, 只因為...怕追不到
努力, 只因為...要趕過其他
努力, 只因為...想讓人看得起
努力, 只因為...身邊的一切一切

小勝寸寸貢既韓國佬, 令我嘴角微微戚起...please keep it on...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

blink blink blink...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


著對新鞋返工, 夾腳到死, 著多幾日, 發覺夾腳情況好左好多...究竟係我就對鞋, 定係對鞋就我...


1) 星期二, 請假同同事走左去bid年宵攤位, 重辛苦過返工, 但係一個都bid唔到, 曬左一日,好可惜, 但總算學到少少bid野既技巧...

2) 諗著星期五拔智慧齒, 點知要開刀, 所以唔同我拔, 無得請病假, shit...重要去醫院排期九個月, shit...所以走左佩con, 試戴時同視光師搏斗, 戴左廿幾次都戴唔到, 俾隔離條女望著黎笑, shit...重要整爛幾副con, 好樣衰, shit...戴完重要覺得唔舒服, 好暈, shit...盛惠450, 好似俾人昆咁, shit...行去cwb買書, 想買本英文書, 但係得本爛既, shit...只好買本中文譯本, 盛惠105, 洗左好多錢啊今日, shit...星期五晚, 係屋企做公司既, 最shit...

放兩日假都唔知做乜, 放緊假都要做...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Sunday, November 12, 2006


以為離開左地獄, 點知止係從一個地獄走去另一個地獄...還好, 時間算係無咁緊迫, 出現問題都好快可以fix到, 只係之前累積落黎既工作, 到依家都未完成, 只能不斷壓後...sigh...好想放假...

我要看齣戲, 很想與妳看齣戲...

又因為多左少少時間, 所以開始做番運動, push-up, sit-up, weight-lifting, 重跑埋步(雖然只係陪跑)...只想自己個樣健康d, 睇落有d mass, 鍛練下自己既意志, 我還要&*^*&%^&*#....

守株待兔, 不如破釜沉舟...

0010224934 0010305096 currently reading

reading this 2 books recently, they explain what will happen on all the giant robots, superheros and monster if we apply the laws of physic on them. A lot of them are actually doable, however, funny sences will come out once we actually making them. eg. how to create man-made gravity in a ship-like spaceship. The result is the people in the spaceship will suffer to explain in xanga, read it will tell more...

睇左霍英東專輯, 好欣賞佢既為人, 識發財立品, 一d都唔似李加乘... 人發財佢發財, 點解佢可以咁無品, 視榨壓香港人為己任...可憐既香港人, 包括自己...


先試86%, 感覺良好, 再試99%, oh shit...正到...愛上99%了...

is there anything unpredictable? The outcome of throwing a dice is well known as unpredictable, however, according to albert einstein, the outcome of throwing a dice is acutally predictable by calculating the inital throwing force, rotating speed, gravitational force, air drag, impact angle and others that i don't understand...maybe life is just too complicated to predict, that's why we classified them as unpredictable...

life is too complicated and i need a girlfriend...

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

with a month of hard work and pushing...finally i'm done for first phase, and it's out for the public...long way to's endless...


buy this shit people, i got mine already....although i only did the part for hk, there is also online store for US too...