Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Letter from Malawi

Manuel is a 7-year-old child from Malawi, I'm currently funding him through worldvision.

I just got a letter from him, although it's not written by him. I feel happy about it, glad to see him grow up. I wish he can study, and study well. I hope one day I can get a letter which is written by him, what kind of pencils and books should I send him?

Monday, June 16, 2008


上個月開始月供會瘋, 今個月係第二期, 連所有費用買入價係126.41, 比上個月買入價135.37要低. 令買入成本減低至132.25, 成本平均法開始生效啦...

Thursday, June 12, 2008


爸爸黎左LA兩星期, 做仔既點可以唔陪佢, 對上一次一家團聚已經係兩年幾前既事...

難得既一張全家幅, 下次再影又要等到幾時. 在香港一人生活既爸爸, 總是令人擔心, 你能過黎LA依邊, 譲我幫你分擔一點嗎???

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

