Saturday, November 29, 2008


Indeed a really nice experience on snow photographing, and making friends...
f100fd was really over my expectation, interchange between d80 makes my trip much more easier...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


下雨天, 總伴著堵車...


Monday, November 24, 2008


大婆一出場, 未見過佢既人都會被佢既氣勢震懾, 避而遠之...
帶二奶出黎見下世面, 每次佢總係要扭扭擰擰...
所以我帶左三奶返屋企, 以滿足我突如其來既慾望...

第一晚已經被我操到無力, haha...聽日再玩過...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


教會朋友結婚, 自己唔係攝者團隊中, 可以舒舒服服咁食翅, 閑時影兩張, 一切隨心...

恭喜依對可愛既新人, 祝你地白頭到老, 永結同心, 連生貴子...

Friday, November 21, 2008

LA Auto Show

發奮一下, 星期五晚上就可以去睇車(女model)...

車係有, model圖欠奉...金融海嘯嗎...

覺得自己好神經刀, 另外自己同model既interaction要多加努力...

Saturday, November 15, 2008


慣左早起, 天未光, 就攀上屋頂, 影下日出...

Friday, November 14, 2008

月供股票 - 11月

會瘋買入價又跌至87.10新低, 跌到自己都有啲驚...
平均買入價跌至117.65, 賬面損入達30%. 數字上我已經跑嬴大市...


Saturday, November 8, 2008

tuesday with morrie

This is not a long ass book, but took me 9 months to read, what a shame on me.

A story about a dying professor gives his last lesson to his favorite student(the writer i guess). Student visits his professor every tuesday to study about life. Meaningful and easy to read, better than reading bible proverbs.

係香港仲會係搭車既時候睇下書, 依家番到LA連車都要自己揸, 睇書時間幾乎係零, 所以依家開始左閱讀計劃, 每晚睏前睇下書, 等自己唔洗時時刻刻對著部腦, 學下其他野, 同為自己睇過既書做下記錄...

Monday, November 3, 2008

voting reason

there has been a lot of voice on california proposition 8 recently:

here is the info from wikipedia:

Proposition 8 is an initiative state constitutional amendment on the 2008 California General Election ballot, titled Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. If passed, the proposition would "change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California." A new section would be added stating "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
The measure was originally submitted for the ballot by petitioners with the title "California Marriage Protection Act." The title and summary were revised by Attorney General Jerry Brown to more "accurately reflect the measure." The Superior Court of California ruled in favor of these changes, stating, "The title and summary is not false or misleading because it states that Proposition 8 would 'eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry' in California. The California Supreme Court unequivocally held that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry under the California Constitution."

of cause there are also alot of discuss within peers:

t: why people are so against same sex marriage?
k: imagine q and her sis licking each other...
t: diu!
t: i can't stop laughing...

express yourself, vote on 11/4/2008...