Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
又過左個禮拜, 只有一個人既禮拜, 感覺一般, 只能用無聊黎形容, 以前有阿爸係度其實都唔係咁多野講, 依家真係零說話, 感覺孤零零...都係想有一個人係身邊, 可能我已經有想結婚既念頭, 可惜無女要, 睇黎我都要跟著個trend, 番大陸娶妻啦....
成個weekend都有酷熱警告, 出街會熱死, 但係唔出街又悶死, 星期六下午就諗著去黃金買返個external harddrive, d野唔夠放...行行下, 好多人, 唔想行, d harddrive好貴, 唔想亂咁洗錢, 最後都係放棄, 鏟左harddrive d野算, 行多陣, 見到ndsl, 公司有人玩, 重好似好正, 走去問價, $1200, 好似好平, 再面對sales一輪攻擊, 唔得, 要即刻走, 好彩醒得早, 唔係我可能俾左錢...
星期日, 真係頂唔順, 熱到仆街, 一點走左去游水, 行去泳池未落水已經濕曬, 頭髮可以滴汗...唔理得咁多, 一野跳落水, 以為好涼, 點知d水係熱既, 已經曬熱曬...唔理, 游水, 游到悶, 週圍望睇下有冇女, 竟然無女, 乜香港d女唔怕熱嫁咩, 咁熱都唔游水, 失望, 走人....沖涼抹干身番屋企, 番到屋企又係濕曬, 沖左等於無沖, 係屋企又沖過, 再搞依樣搞果樣, 咁又一日........好!!!!今晚睇英格蘭...
好快就可以見到一d熟識既面孔, 好期待, 好掛著你地啊...
成個weekend都有酷熱警告, 出街會熱死, 但係唔出街又悶死, 星期六下午就諗著去黃金買返個external harddrive, d野唔夠放...行行下, 好多人, 唔想行, d harddrive好貴, 唔想亂咁洗錢, 最後都係放棄, 鏟左harddrive d野算, 行多陣, 見到ndsl, 公司有人玩, 重好似好正, 走去問價, $1200, 好似好平, 再面對sales一輪攻擊, 唔得, 要即刻走, 好彩醒得早, 唔係我可能俾左錢...
星期日, 真係頂唔順, 熱到仆街, 一點走左去游水, 行去泳池未落水已經濕曬, 頭髮可以滴汗...唔理得咁多, 一野跳落水, 以為好涼, 點知d水係熱既, 已經曬熱曬...唔理, 游水, 游到悶, 週圍望睇下有冇女, 竟然無女, 乜香港d女唔怕熱嫁咩, 咁熱都唔游水, 失望, 走人....沖涼抹干身番屋企, 番到屋企又係濕曬, 沖左等於無沖, 係屋企又沖過, 再搞依樣搞果樣, 咁又一日........好!!!!今晚睇英格蘭...
好快就可以見到一d熟識既面孔, 好期待, 好掛著你地啊...
Saturday, June 17, 2006
第一次做義工, 感覺還可以, 但係火速同我用左六個鐘都好, 識到d 人, 但係都係F.7既, 搞到我老晒...=.=...今次係去幫手教一班老人家用小畫家, 原來小畫家係咁難用, 同埋原來自己會有心機教人, 雖然唔係教到所有人都識......我諗我會再繼續...
晚上買河粉返屋企食時過馬路, 等轉綠燈, 撞到兩個差人係馬路邊等, 有兩父女要過馬路, 企係差人隔離, 阿爸係咁既情況梗係唔過啦, 依個時候阿女講野啦...
女: 無車wor, 點解唔過馬路啊???
父: 女啊...紅燈唔可以過馬路嫁....(好似好自豪咁答)...
女: 點解啊, 咁你平時又過...(聲音調高+語帶不滿)...
父: ......(無言, 冷汗中)................
父母請做好個榜樣, 唔係既話就只會令自己丟架...
晚上買河粉返屋企食時過馬路, 等轉綠燈, 撞到兩個差人係馬路邊等, 有兩父女要過馬路, 企係差人隔離, 阿爸係咁既情況梗係唔過啦, 依個時候阿女講野啦...
女: 無車wor, 點解唔過馬路啊???
父: 女啊...紅燈唔可以過馬路嫁....(好似好自豪咁答)...
女: 點解啊, 咁你平時又過...(聲音調高+語帶不滿)...
父: ......(無言, 冷汗中)................
父母請做好個榜樣, 唔係既話就只會令自己丟架...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I couldn't tell you why he felt that way,
he felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help him,
I just watched him make the same mistakes again.
What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where he belongs, where he belongs.
He wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where he lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry his eyes.
Broken inside.
Open your eyes and look outside, find a reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where he belongs, where he belongs.
He wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where he lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry his eyes.
Broken inside.
His feelings he hides.
His dreams he can't find.
He's losing his mind.
He's fallen behind.
He can't find his place.
He's losing her faith.
He's fallen from grace.
He's all over the place.
He wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where he lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry his eyes.
Broken inside.
He's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
He's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
我仲好幼嫩, 還需要多一點經驗, 多一點磨練...
I can totally feel how dirty I messy I am....I need to start learning OO...learning neat and clean...
I couldn't tell you why he felt that way,
he felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help him,
I just watched him make the same mistakes again.
What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where he belongs, where he belongs.
He wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where he lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry his eyes.
Broken inside.
Open your eyes and look outside, find a reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where he belongs, where he belongs.
He wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where he lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry his eyes.
Broken inside.
His feelings he hides.
His dreams he can't find.
He's losing his mind.
He's fallen behind.
He can't find his place.
He's losing her faith.
He's fallen from grace.
He's all over the place.
He wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where he lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry his eyes.
Broken inside.
He's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
He's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
我仲好幼嫩, 還需要多一點經驗, 多一點磨練...
I can totally feel how dirty I messy I am....I need to start learning OO...learning neat and clean...
Saturday, June 3, 2006
haven't been update my xanga for quite awhile...having too much shit to handle...almost overwhelmed...but kinda surprised that i could go thru all those...grandpa, i'll miss u...
My company brought us to a boat trip...on monday...
in this little island, i guess there is only less 10 ppl living there, since i see only a stone beach, a seafood restaurant, and maybe a bargain shop like this...
we ate and play teamwork games, even rain couldn't stop us
me and my teamates...
of cause, group photo before we left...can you find me anyway...=.=
nice monday...but follow by a bloody hell.......
got owned by hello kitty, and some other mysteries everyday, maybe it's about time to do some OT...
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