黑色十月...really have no time to write xanga this month...What have I been doing recently...
中秋節早放工, 係大堂等公司車, 向天花一影...
中秋夜行通宵山, 出發前大合照...
| 行左五個鐘, 因為太黑睇唔到路, 就settle down左, 可以睇日出lu...
rabbits in the steam pot....
多謝阿bill, YM, nick同vicky d 相...
one day @ apm...I saw this lady... and then I saw leon and janice(in red circles)...but who fuckin' care...I'm here for this lady... Later, I found out these crowd were there only for their "SUPERSTAR"...and didn't know how much the lady behind their "SUPERSTAR" is cost...After they left I got a chance to take a closer look of her...
| wah....MP4-21 is so shiny....I could't control myself to leave my eyes from her, I didn't know how to express myself as I was never been that happy and excited since I came to HK...too bad I was going alone, otherwise someone could hold the camera for me....><... |
project將近尾聲, 所以星期五去左鬆一鬆...去左間有得玩boardgame既cafe, 玩得好開心... kathy用隻唔記得叫咩既松鼠玩熊仔棋... | 食飯時重有伴奏....正...多謝Issac....haha |
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