dim sum with intelligent / intelligent dim sum, we called that ds-i...
I wonder how smart these dim sum could be...
It's always a long day, since 86400 do not fit in short...
以為離開左地獄, 點知止係從一個地獄走去另一個地獄...還好, 時間算係無咁緊迫, 出現問題都好快可以fix到, 只係之前累積落黎既工作, 到依家都未完成, 只能不斷壓後...sigh...好想放假...
我要看齣戲, 很想與妳看齣戲...
又因為多左少少時間, 所以開始做番運動, push-up, sit-up, weight-lifting, 重跑埋步(雖然只係陪跑)...只想自己個樣健康d, 睇落有d mass, 鍛練下自己既意志, 我還要&*^*&%^&*#....
守株待兔, 不如破釜沉舟...
currently reading 空想科學讀本1&2 by柳田理科雄 |
reading this 2 books recently, they explain what will happen on all the giant robots, superheros and monster if we apply the laws of physic on them. A lot of them are actually doable, however, funny sences will come out once we actually making them. eg. how to create man-made gravity in a ship-like spaceship. The result is the people in the spaceship will suffer badly...um...hard to explain in xanga, read it will tell more...
睇左霍英東專輯, 好欣賞佢既為人, 識發財立品, 一d都唔似李加乘... 人發財佢發財, 點解佢可以咁無品, 視榨壓香港人為己任...可憐既香港人, 包括自己...
先試86%, 感覺良好, 再試99%, oh shit...正到...愛上99%了...
is there anything unpredictable? The outcome of throwing a dice is well known as unpredictable, however, according to albert einstein, the outcome of throwing a dice is acutally predictable by calculating the inital throwing force, rotating speed, gravitational force, air drag, impact angle and others that i don't understand...maybe life is just too complicated to predict, that's why we classified them as unpredictable...
life is too complicated and i need a girlfriend...
黑色十月...really have no time to write xanga this month...What have I been doing recently...
多謝阿bill, YM, nick同vicky d 相...
project將近尾聲, 所以星期五去左鬆一鬆...去左間有得玩boardgame既cafe, 玩得好開心... |
finally finished reading this...
I really love this...thank you again for buying me this book...
Although I didn't cry this time(maybe there is no cute gal inside the book....yes, i'm cold-blooded), i'm stilling learning something out of this. I think i'm gonna buy the book which wrote by her mom...
今日走左去探爺爺, 係咪真係中秋佳節倍思親, 平時又唔思, 要到節日先黎思...人類係奇怪既動物...
I almost forgot I have a xanga....just wanna share some pieces from what i'm doing recently....
just off from work, i saw a bus next to me...有d啤酒照頭淋既感覺...
interesting open hour for a restaurant, it only open 30mins in the weekend and holidays...
ad from cyberport restaurant, sounds like a delicious dessert...
New toy for our department, it sits behind my desk and it costs 169 USD, this rabbit came from france, first one and the only one in hong kong, isn't it cute? we are still investigating how this little rabbit is suppose to work...
pic from cheung chau hiking trip, taken by one of my co-worker, i shall name it "萬念俱灰圖"...
to be continue...
去左個義工活動, 同老人家一齊畫tee...志不在tee, 都係想佢地覺得有人關心佢地jei...
我負責既婆婆叫梁玉簫, 所以我就稱呼佢玉簫. 佢亦叫我芬仔, 因為佢聽唔入個鈞字...玉簫佢中過風, 手腳唔靈活, 唔願畫, 所以大部份時間都係得我畫, 有時我就捉住佢隻手同佢一齊畫, 當幫佢做運動, 起碼令佢有參與既感覺...
等件tee干既時候, 就同玉簫傾下計, 又係我弱項...黎黎去去都係"你平時鐘意做d乜啊, 食d乜"咁, 本黎想同佢傾下自己d野, 或叫佢介紹下d孫女黎識下, 但係briefing時講過唔可以提家人, 所以都係放棄左...haha...
走時有人叫我個中文名, 原來係我個中學同學, 佢就係係個間老人院做, 要左電話, 希望可以見其他人...
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無錯...也許我真係太渺小, 渺小得就算死左都係無乜人會發覺...
又一個禮拜, 不停被吹, 不停開會, 不停地不停地...星期二自己整左兩個月既果舊野要launch, 好驚...因為公司都冇做依方面既野, 經驗有限, 都唔知出街後有咩事會發生, 好驚個site會俾人attack啊...
手痕買左NDSL, 好正, 同公司既人玩8P bomberman同mario kart, 食完飯玩, 放工又開個confenence room玩, 大家已達瘋顛狀態, 自己一個果時就玩brain age同應援團, NDSL停不了...
上個星期日做義工, 係理工有個樂智傷健同樂日...
被派去秩序部維持秩序, 其實係周圍hae...
依個靚仔成日走過黎話要生得高過我, 見一次話一次, 最後見同佢有緣, 就影返副相, 左面果位係我當日先識既義工之一, 叫Iris, 唔知點解我地做做下野就一齊行, 周圍hae...最後我地走左去學扎氣球, 入左氣球部...
做左義工, 起碼覺得自己冇咁自閉, 義工們都好nice, 大家都唔識大家, 但係大家行埋就可以傾到計, 講到笑, 三唔識七可以吹水吹好耐, 依種感覺先最珍貴, 都係我最想要既...
做義工, 為個社會負番d責任..."感覺良好"...留汗留到好似沖涼咁到值得...
haven't been update my xanga for quite awhile...having too much shit to handle...almost overwhelmed...but kinda surprised that i could go thru all those...grandpa, i'll miss u...
My company brought us to a boat trip...on monday...
in this little island, i guess there is only less 10 ppl living there, since i see only a stone beach, a seafood restaurant, and maybe a bargain shop like this...
we ate and play teamwork games, even rain couldn't stop us
me and my teamates...
of cause, group photo before we left...can you find me anyway...=.=
nice monday...but follow by a bloody hell.......
got owned by hello kitty, and some other mysteries everyday, maybe it's about time to do some OT...