Saturday, July 30, 2011


Approaching the last few personal training session. I think it's time to put down what I have done at this stage for future reference.

Cadio exercise:
1. cycling - lvl 10 - 0.5mil
2. ergo - lvl 6 - 75 rev forward and backward
3. rower - lvl 10 - 500m
4. skier - 500m
5. dynamic warm up
6a. medical ball - face wall, overhead drop then push and jump the ball toward the wall, 5 * 2set
6b. medical ball - face side, hold ball top and bottom, turn body only and throw ball toward the wall, 5 * 2set
6c. medical ball - face back, jump and throw ball overhead back to the wall using lower back muscle, 5 * 2set
7. rollover doll - 80ft
8a. double thick rope - double waver, 25 * 2set
8b. double thick rope - single waver, 25 * 2set
8c. double thick rope - lay down sit up wave left and right, 25 * 2set
9a. pull rope - pull toward abs - 250ft
9b. pull rope - pull and turn body left and right toward side abs - 150ft
9c. pull rope - lay down face up legs over the air pull down - 200ft
10. treadmill - incline 30, speed 2->3, 3mins

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