Tuesday, February 21, 2006
xanga寫不停, 再黎...
朝早懶懶閑突然被徐老闆叫去送文件, 要去怡和大廈, 我點q知邊度係怡和啊, 話我蠢有q用啊...繼續就番老闆公司轉部腦, run run下又熄左, 然後又開唔番...我受夠啦, 你部神經機係咪要搞到我地父子決裂先安樂...之後有個同事走過黎睇, 原來佢做過砌機, pro過我好多, 不過佢都搞唔掂, 唔理啦, 同老闆交代後鬆人, 個腦就叫人整吧...走左去旺角食飯睇鞋, 然後去keith屋企玩, 要走去大埔, 點解d人要住咁q遠, 搞左30mins先見到個巴士站, 第一次入新界, 好驚, d的士綠色嫁...沿途巴士有Roadshow, 近排最hit應該係佢...
我地有當袋三傻...馬蹄露(或魯芬), sm天王同孫堅...
馬蹄露: 原來佢係當代書院校內試英文科考官...(唔叫你叫邊個啊)
sm天王: "三個字, 我幫你 羅高分"...(明明係六個字, 數手指都唔識點教physic啊)
孫堅: 講野時條頸永遠側左一面...都唔知係咪條頸有事...
成日話靠佢會考無難度, 靠佢真係零分可達到, 又唔係你班pk, d香港學生會高分低能...睇完個廣告真係忍唔著笑左...救命啊...
到左大埔又用30mins走去佢屋企...識左佢d同事, 無乜靚女, 灰...打邊爐, 打雀, 食糖水到1am, 搭小巴去番旺角, 識左keith's fd joyce, 同佢傾下, 佢係澳洲讀cs, 番黎無工走左去做financial advicer, 灰...到左旺角送佢上車後自己搭車走, 到家時間3:00am, 嚇死阿麻...
到親戚家食飯, 原來火炭個境幾靚...但要轉4次車...=.=...番黎香港後車費應該用過$500...洗得好快...
interview之日, 一定要投訴八婆...早15mins到, 填表後第一野就見老闆......但係就無乜驚喜, 根著見IT dept head, 聽聲先知佢原來係果日係電話度鬧我條八婆...shit著左, 點敢投訴啊...重要我俾ucla project d spec俾佢睇, 我無咁只好遲d send左俾佢再講...
走後到阿姨屋企整電腦...(又要整電腦)...走左去跑馬地, 見到一d有路牌就有以下幻想...
I wonder if someone's name called 阮源遠or阮遠源 , then their english name will be Yuen, Yuen Yuen. "Can I have your last name?", "Yuen", "First name?", "Yuen", "I said First name", "Yuen", "=.="...Paging in office, "Yuen Yuen Yuen, please call extension XXX, Yuen Yuen Yuen, please call extension XXX"...Yuen Yuen Yuen Yuen Yuen Yuen...我果然好無聊...
綿發綿發...好意頭...min fat min fat...=.=...haha...I like that...min...我知你玩得既...
Monday, February 20, 2006
晨早interview...中文唔識講唔識寫加辭不達意, 係咁爆d英文出黎, 好失敗...有電話叫我星期一interview, 發現手上無紙寫地址問佢可唔可以用email send俾我, 點知俾佢鬧我點解要佢send email俾我...bitch, 我好希罕in你份工咩...死死地氣寫左地址落手, 谷著條氣, 問左佢個名, 等我interview果時port佢...八婆... 好下午走上堔圳, 發現九鐵既低能收費...
紅磡to羅湖: fare $33
紅磡to上水: fare $9
上水to羅湖: fare $20
如果上水落車再上車, 可以俾少$4...九鐵真係損己利人...
上大陸做西裝, 阿爸搖身一變成為徐老闆, 有d受不了, 又講左d我唔認同既做人道理, 真係這麼近那麼遠啊...番香港前去左按腳, 令我覺得依個世界重有人慘過我, 果條八婆既氣都消得七七八八...番到香港又俾徐老闆部腦轉著, 掙d反面...here is my worst day in hk so far...
um...想睇霍元甲, 想睇Touch, 唔知有冇咁既機會呢...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
本來想去apm, 點知俾阿爸叫左去旺角食飯, 原來係去見阿叔阿嬸, 不斷被叫去玩股票...頂...有錢玩我洗番黎...不過好似可以幫我睇下邊度請人, 第一次感到阿爸邊屋企人既溫暖, 不過都係睇下佢係咪吹水先啦, 費事期望越大失望越大...轉左旺角一陣, 上阿爸公司做一陣I.T人, 話上唔到網, 部腦識自動開關...=.=...有時重開唔到機, 想點啊...返屋企搞...無聊一陣睏覺...
頂...落雨!!!...男士受難日, 總覺得佢地sweet背後用左好多物質堆砌, 今年可以take個break算係咁啦...落著雨行街實屬不智, 阿嬤d傘下下插眼...避入朗豪坊, 耐唔耐見到d靚仔俾條女屈買野都不其然暗笑一番... 心諗...傻仔, 慢慢受啦...約左Keith三點, 見到佢著曬老西, 自己仲係sweater, 對比下我好似個傻仔一樣, 去左high tea, 吃甜品, 傾下番工d野, 感覺上全世界都係度進步緊...我究竟係度做乜q啊...5點鐘散左, 歸家on9同阿爸過淨低既v-day...
Monday, February 13, 2006
被阿麻帶左去黃大仙, 第一次搭地鐵, 入去時差d頂頭...... 同埋發覺香港年青一代唔識讓座俾老人家...令我好失望, 香港未來既棟樑wor, 希望老左有人俾位你坐...到左黃大仙, 好多煙, 多到睇唔到前面, 好多自由痕, 同佢地斗撞, 又要護著阿麻, 好忙, 鬧佢又扮聽唔到, pk...再入d大家打尖點香, 舉高扎香係我面前fing d香灰...wtf, 擺明想整盲我...到左廟前大家高舉d香向前行, 佢地d香既高度正係我對眼既高度, 煙到對眼睇唔到野, 仲俾人用香係手臂辣左幾野, 依家d印仲係度...插完香都係快d走...跟著不斷同阿麻行街, 無力, 勁早睏...
無乜特別...job hunting...見親戚, 勁早睏...
Saturday, February 11, 2006
after 15hrs of flight, i torched the ground on 6am. Still dark everywhere...air is ok, i guess it's in the early morning. Tried to pull out a trolly to pick up my begs, and accidentially broke it's handle...shit...took another one and left, bought a phone card, took a bus that go directly home. Feel like the driver was driving 25mph...why it was so slow. It took my 1.5 hrs to reach home. My head hit the ceiling on the way out...=.=...why the ceiling is so low...
Went to get my new ID in the afternoon, hit the bus ceiling again when i got off the bus...gosh...ok...where am I?...walked for 10mins finding a way to get to another side of the road...how can I reach the bridge?...finally spent 30mins to get to 入境大樓...spent 2hrs to get the temp ID...then bought a router...went to grandparents home to eat, 被形容為"乞衣仔", "賊仔", "自由痕" dad told me to go apm myself...nice...walked for 45mins and never reach there, I found out I was walking in reverse direction...went back home to sleep after dinner, hit the mini bus ceiling when got off...=.=...i had enough...
搞回鄉証, 之後坐電車出灣仔, 源興d雲吞面由七年前既$16跌到$11, 重要多舊雲吞...正...葛菜水升到$7...行左集成, 188(老番咸碟重貨不對版包換...), 298, time square, sogo, 世貿, 皇室堡, 維園, 中央圖書館...好悶...行到腳抽筋...坐巴士番屋企, 又撞頭...買左d日用品番去, 食飯, 7pm就睏著左...ar dep happy birthday...
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Saturday, February 4, 2006
me: hi, I have questions about my membership.
assistant: yes, is there anything I can help you.
me: i'm leaving LA...........so..........can I just skip the next month payment and pay for the month after next?
assistant: oh, you have to pay $4 each month for inactivity...
me: but then it's a PAY AS YOU GO membership, why do I still have to pay?
assistant: you are not paying for the membership, it's an inactive fee...
me: wait...don't you see there is a problem with the logic...I PAY as I come, therefore, if I DON'T come I DON'T have to PAY...
assistant: nah...this is just the name of your plan...don't take it to serious...
me: ...
Nice one bally...